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Gourmet Dungeon Vol. 2 shall be released in a few days. Would you like to share some ideas with us? What properties or boons would heroes obtain after eating a roasted basilisk?



Dire TheLawyer

Eating it makes you immune to all Petrification (including Medusas) for 1 week. or, You regain any lost Consitution you may have suffered. regain 2d10 con. OR, gain 2d4 con for 1d4 days. or, Eating roasted Basilisk makes you smell like a basilisk for 48 hours. All monsters and wildlife assume there is a basilisk around and react as such. If a human knows the smell of basilisk, they also react as such. or, once in the next week you may call upon the powers of a basilisk and attempt to petrify a create using the basilisk stats and petrify action or, once during the next two weeks you may use disguise self to appear as a basilisk. this last for 1 day or until dispelled or you take a hostile action against another creature.

Jacob Vardy

The "little king" in the language of scholars. According to Gaius the Encylopaedist, eating the roast heart of the monster causes lesser serpents [1] to fear [2] the eater for a week. In the poems of Isadora Aintisar roasted basilisk tongue allowed the eater to command [3] lesser serpents for three days. The venerable al Sala wrote that glazing the flesh with its eggs would make the eater immune to petrification for (1d6) days. [1] creatures with the Beast type. [2] as the Fear spell, using the eaters' highest Attribute for the spell save. [3] as the Dominate spell, using the eaters' highest Attribute for the spell save.


These are awesome ideas too! I will take them into consideration for this volume of the project as well, thank you!