Cursed Temple - Builder Pack (Patreon)
As we have now crossed my latest Patreon Goal ! Congratulations to us all. I'm committed to provide dungeon builder packs or token pack once a month. I have attached two zip files to this post.
The "Prebuilt Dungeons" zip file includes 7 variations of a dungeon similar to my Map 93. Same style but plain black background. These are 26x26 and can be imported into Roll20 in a moment. However they are also useful to any of you who don't play through VTTs. So this means 7 new dungeons in this pack.
The "Cursed Temple Assets" zip file contains the 170+ different files and assets you can use to build or modify dungeon. You can do it in Roll20 easily, just import the assets and enlarge them to the square number in the file name (i.e. 4x4).
If you don't use Roll20, you can still do this with any image editing software like GIMP or Photoshop. If you do, just set the grid to 140 pixels per square, the document resolution at 72 DPI and turn on "snap to grid" and you can build a place in a breeze, like building a lego house.
I hop this is up to your liking and that you enjoy many adventures in this cursed place.
Once again thanks for your support, Derek Ruiz.