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Good day Denizens of the Tower.

Here's a generic underground lair map. As it doesn't include any distinctive features, it can be adapted to mostly any kind of underground critter or encounter. The attached PDF includes an adventure suggestion regarding escaped demons, all this provoked by a wizard trying to summon and bind them.  Unsuccessfully as usual.

I included a version with numbered areas, black and white versions and also some specific for Roll20 with compatible measures and with no background.

Thanks for your continuing support and a special thanks to the new members of this community.

Derek Ruiz




FYI, I joined your patreon to get a hi-res of this map.


Hi Bryn, thanks for subscribing. This is an old map. I’m not entirely sure that it imports painlessly to roll20 if that’s what you intent. If you have troubles importing it just let me know so I can fix it.

Derek Burge

Awesome! I love these sort of maps for quick drop-in situations when the players inevitably wander off into the weeds.


My intent exactly. "Oh you don't want to follow my main quest? ok this happens"