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A bit of an oddball here, but the start of a great project. I am currently doing a joint effort with the guys at Nights of Qualara. NoQ is a system-less campaign setting that hosts many different types of games, it is also a living campaign ala Living Greyhawk, only not tied to any system.

They are creating adventures and I'm helping with map illustrations. This is the first in the current story path. The Ruins of Tal Nareth, I won't spoil more of the fun, you can find a teaser of the lore here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/port-desque-day-14920086

From my end as usual, this illustration is provided in many variations, without labels, in case you want to use different names, and black and white.

Have fun playing tons of RPG games and thanks for your support, this is the last post of October. Be ready for the next collaboration project soon to be made public,



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