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Good evening my friends. Denizens of the Tower.

This is a big dungeon! It's the headquarters of a blood worshipping cult under a big city. I fleshed out the specific for the cult and described the three leaders. I think it is a fun adventure for low-ish levels. In the same way, an evil party could become cultists and abduct peasants to drink their blood.

The illustration is big enough to be used in Roll20 or similar. I included unlabeled versions and a B/W version as usual.

This week a lot of people subscribed to this page. Thank you, me and my small family really appreciate your help. I trust you will like and keep liking the content I put up every few days. A just took a few days off on vacation with my father but I'm back. February has 28th days so that means I'll be posting almost daily until the end of the month to meet the 10 maps goal. Do not worry about quality, some maps are already finished or halfway done because I worked like a madman before my vacations to have some extra stuff done in advance.
