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Hello, Denizens of the Tower

This the octopus' smile. A popular tavern in the city whose owner, Captain Miro Danes, is a half-elf who used to be a renowned fleet captain almost half a century ago. No one remembers his achievements as they happened so long ago. People now believe all this talk about being a "captain" is just a gimmick to attract more customers.

There a secret business going on in the underground level of the tavern. It is all about an ancient elven orb of illusion that let's Captain Miro run the most profitable hideouts in the continent.

I llustration comes in many forms as usual, make sure you check out the attached PDF with the lore.

Thanks for subscribing and your continuous support. Hope you're having an awesome weekend. I know I will.

Elven Tower




BTW the compass was drawn by Deven Rue, a fellow artist.

Lodewijk Boute

Is she not your fellow cartographer who drew the map for the new Critical Role-campaign?

Lodewijk Boute

As always, I like your tidbits of information on the lore of each of these maps! Keep it going!