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hey there' Denizens of the Tower, here's a goodie goodie.

This is Darkwind Prison island. It is a small prison, reserved only for royals and nobles. It has enough space for about 30 prisoners, each with their own standard issue prison home. Prisoners are free to move inside the island, except for the guard's area which is in the center. There is a double wall. Prisoners work in the farmlands to grow food. Overall, a good system, until a power group tries to break out a VIP from Darkwind.

I also included untitled versions if you wish to name the prison differently, or completely repurpose the illustration as something else.

Have an awesome weekend and thanks for your support so far. I thank you for it.

Elven Tower.



Christian 'Chrras' Petersen

Awesome, I really like this concept. Any chance that we will get a prison (i.e. castle) for more "regular" prisoners. A good handful of campaigns start with breaking free from a prison, so it would be nice with a map for that :)

Christian 'Chrras' Petersen

Dunno, anywhere between like 20 to 50 prisoners would be fitting in my opinion. Dunno if it should be a castle which just has room for some prisoners, or actually a castle which is only used as a prison. If the latter, maybe it should have room for more than 50 prisoners. But then again, most campaigns start with level 1 characters, which means that the prison has to be a low security one. Just some ideas, of course that's up to you :)