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Denizens of the Tower

This is an interesting illustration. It is an outdoors druidic observatory. The pic is pretty and all but I also did night versions for it. It think both look gorgeous. I've been trying shadow and lighting effects to great effect,

I also included an adventure idea in PDF format as usual. Plus the usual image variations. All of them are usable in Roll20 too.

Let me know what you think of the lighting effects and the adventure idea.


Elven Tower



Bruce Meyer

Looks good! When I first saw the email I got really excited because I am in need of a tower like observatory. But this is an outdoor druidic observatory. You wouldn't happen to have a regular observatory of some kind in your past files would you?


Thanks Bruce. Nope, no observatory yet, but that's a great idea for the next map in line. Do you have any ideas or suggestions for that map? like location, size, etc?