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Adventurers Wanted!

The village of Haddindale is facing its biggest threat this year. A colony of formicids (ant-people) suddenly emerged from the ground and started ransacking their farms, granaries and storages. Winter is around the corner. A group of valiant warriors risk their lives everyday to keep the formicids from the main granary. If the ant demons manage to sack Haddindale itself, the town will not see itself through the winter. Most will die.

The illustration above is the formicid lair near Haddindale. It is connected to the Underdark through closed-off tunnels that the formicids can reopen at any moment. With them is a traveling lone queen who is looking for a good place to start a permanent colony after sacking Haddindale's winter storage.

The compass rose in the map is a graphic by Caeora, who also has a map-making patreon page. Find about that here. 



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