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Hello, Denizens of the Tower

This is Barrendale, a great metropolis-capital. This illustration is tied to Map 215, as the castle in that map appears at the center of this metropolis. A mini-map depiction of the castle appears in the lower left corner. I really like how this two-part project turned out.

There is no extra lore to go with this one because the past PDF release goes into the lore of the castle and the city. You can check that out back here. 

I've included a version without the "zoom-in triangles" you can see above. I'm sure some people won't love them. There is also a version with no labels and the usual printer friendly variants. I hope you all like this and if you like this project of two maps about more or less the same area please let me know so I can do more 2-part or maybe 3-part projects in the future.

Until the next one, Elven Tower



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