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Hey, Denizens of the Tower.

I've been a little absent for a week or so because I moved to a new apartment this week. Life has been hectic, If you've moved you know what I'm talking about. Good news is that I'm all ready in the new place and will start catching up with my pending to-do list starting tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up with the Mapvember challenge too.

Now this is the map of Winterfront, a city by the northern reaches and the last walled bastion of the kingdom. Many small towns and settlements depend on Winterfront to keep the threats of the north at bay. I've included background lore and description for this city in the PDF.

Included are also B/W version and some with variant labels and with no title, in case you want to repurpose this location as a different place in your game.

Hope you're all having a cool November, I plan to enjoy it too. Until the next one, Elven Tower.

EDIT - PDF files had the wrong map. It's corrected now.



Ungrateful Munchkins

Hello, I noticed that in the map in the BW pdf and the fullcolor PDF differ. The map in the color version is the map of 218 (Fierallin) and not 220 (Winterfront).

Richard H Adkins Jr

Hmmm, the color map is still incorrect? Are you having fun yet? lol