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Hey there, Denizens of the Tower.

Here's a cartography token/tile set for those crafty DMs and world builders that love to create their own locations with premade assets.

There are 190 tokens in total. This token pack is great to create regional or world maps. All tokens are hand-drawn in a style that appears to be made with a soft ink brush. It is possible to create pretty "in-world" maps with this pack. The tokens include geographical features, settlement icons, location icons, backgrounds, margins, compass roses, among other things.

If you have no wish to make your own maps. I've also included a folder of premade maps below. They come in different states of progression. There are 3 full fledged ones.

Also, if you’re interested in learning how to create your own maps with this, I created two tutorials a while ago, one is for Roll20 and the other one is for Photoshop.  These tutorials are old, the audio is not great, but they get the point across.

I thank you for your continuing support. You guys rock. This resource is available to all thanks to the support of my followers on this website. Please consider taking a look at my work and chipping in.

Elven Tower

You can create any illustrations with this assets and/or change or modify any element within it for personal use. Commercial use of these tokens is not available through this medium. This pack will be released later on for commercial use at any of the online stores for RPG content I use.



Bruce Meyer

No way!! I need these so much right now, this is awesome! I've been using Xara Photo and Graphic Designer to recreate a map that is in really poor resolution ...and when I came to the island land features I was at a loss because I have no real artistic skills...lol. So yeah this is awesome!

Randy George

These are FANTASTIC! Thank you so much! Your artwork is so consistent and looks amazing.


thanks Randy! I'm still thinking what to do for another asset pack, short on ideas at the moment.

Stephan Peters

Thank you! This is what I was looking for.