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Hey there, Denizens of the Tower

A small detour of my usual contributions. I seldom do regional/world maps because people use their own worlds, or published settings and sometimes there's not way to squeeze in a new region without hassle. So I keep them to the smaller size of regions. In this case the place is only large enough for two kingdoms along the shore of a gulf. This gulf you can probably squeeze into any map you already use as gulfs tend to be very generic. On the other hand, this can easily be a one-shot adventure, short campaign, or even a location in another plane or demiplane. Up to you, as always.

Two kingdoms share the gulf and have been there for the past 200 years. But now, under strange and unexplainable conditions, a section of the population in the middle of both kingdoms has uprisen and proclaimed a new king of a middle kingdom known as the Kingdom of the Flowering Tree. Since the land they claim belonged to both norther and southern kingdom, both of them are allies now against the new fake king. So far, they are losing the battle. The city of Finnstar was destroyed recently.

Unknown to all, the ruins and Dreamshore Tower int he gulf play an important part in the creation of the new kingdom and the destabilization of the region. But who will be brave enough to go there and find out what the hell happened?

Until the next one, Elven Tower.



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