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Heya Denizens of the Tower.

We've reached the end of our descriptive tour of the chosen locations in the kingdom of Ardennia. This is the last one, Fa'thang Ruins. An underground complex of temples and natural caves where an ancient yuan-ti civilization lived. I love how this one ended up. It is also a large area for exploration. The illustration is 43x50 but you can double that if you choose to go 10 ft. per square.

The illustration (and variants) and PDF are included as normal. While this PDF only include the material for this map in particular. Tomorrow I will release a PDF compilation which includes all we've done for the Ardennian Kingdom in a single PDF document. This compilation will be free for all of you who support my art and writing.

I thank you for being part of this. I think this project was very fun and I will soon poll you about a second installment for another multimap project. Perhaps next time it can be a town or city.

Until the next one, Elven Tower.



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