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Hello, Denizens of the Tower!

There is an unparalleled force of corruption growing in the depths of the Xagarest Forest. An evil druid playing his personal vengeance planted a Gulthias tree in the forest and the evilness of it is slowly killing all plants and wildlife. The fey creatures in the forest could not do anything about it and fled south. Winter is around the corner and if the corruption is not stopped, it will reach the farms and harvests and kill the land and the city's hope of making it through the winter. The evil druid has set up a lair in the forest under a naturally hollowed out hill.

This illustration is included in several formats. One of them features no labels so that you can repurpose this illustration for a different kind of quest and/or adventure. The two settlement icons on the map are images by Caeora, a fellow map maker here in Patreon. Find him as Blue Sword Games.

Thanks for the support thus far and welcome to all new members that recently subscribed. Your support means the world to me.

Until the next one, Elven Tower.



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