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Denizens of the Tower!

I bring you a swamp map. Guess what creature lives there? yeah, a hag. They call it Mother Janny and she is a figure of tales and legends that go back almost a hundred years. At first sight, she appears to be a weird hermit who spends her days fishing and carving bone figurines. But every local knows that only in cases of extreme need, you can request her help and she can solve any kind or problem.

It is not free, though... The swamp is plagued with terrible creatures, and the hag's favor comes with a terrible price. It is something different every time, but it is costly. Please read the lore about the hag and the stories around her in the attached PDF.

The illustration comes in the usual variants. The grid is for 20 ft. squares so this location is more like a regional map with several encounter areas. Let me know if these kind of map with 20 ft. grids are something you're after.

Until the next one, Elven Tower.




Did I miss something or are there no descriptions for the points of interest marked on the map?


You're right Raikao. I had to go back and see what was in the PDF. There is only lore and varied stuff but not a detailed key for the numbers on the map. We've done this a few times but not anymore. Now, when there is no detailed key I just don't include the numbers on the illustrations because it is misleading. Sorry about that.


What's the grid layout for this in Roll20?


The grid comes in 20ft. increments, This is more of a regional map. Not really fesible to put a 5ft grid on top of it for roll20.