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A quick one here, Denizens of the Tower.

It's been a while since I go back to the basics and do an ordinary crossroads map. This map is 25x25 and it is perfect for all those traveling encounters you've been wanting to use.

An ogre collecting tolls?

A group of "You shouldn't have come here?" brigands ala Skyrim

A dubious shapechanger masquerading as a charismatic vendor?

All of those and more are possible when the group of adventurers come across this location. Do not let them think that because you put a map on the table or screen it means there will be a battle. (Though there will)

This illustration is exclusive to my patreon supporters. It does not include written lore as it is very generic encounter-wise.

Thank you for your support, I appreciate your commitment and help.

Elven Tower




Thanks!! Road encounters/events are always useful