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Hello, Denizens of the Tower, friends, supporters, and random internet people.

Here's the 16th installment of the one-page-dungeon series. The objective is to create self-contained adventures/dungeons with all things necessary to spawn fun adventures in a single page.  The adventures are system neutral so no rules or mechanics are included.

This adventure is about a legendary weapon known as the void sword. This ancient blade is the source of life for the immortal priest of a small church. The people there are not evil but they will protect their immortal guide because removing the sword from the pedestal will kill their leader.

The zip file below includes:

  • PDF and JPG versions of OP16.
  • Black and White version for happy printers
  • Map-only versions for printing or Roll20.
  • Text-only PDF

Thank you for reading this far and supporting my work,

Elven Tower



Andrew Croft

How is a Roll 20 map different to Fantasy Grounds. Do you mean a VTT version? Nice handy map. I like the hidden room.


Hi Andrew. When I announce that a map is roll20-ready I mean that each square on the map is 140px per side. Sometimes it's 70 pixels for larger maps. That ratio works in roll20 perfectly. I am not aware of the appropriate size per square for fantasy grounds imports.

Andrew Croft

Ok. Fantasy Grounds is less fussy. You should download the free client and have a play. Also there will be a Fantasy Grounds Unity Kickstarter launching in May the 1st so you can learn more and come join the cool VTT kids. Learn what it can do at <a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/Zacchaeus55" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/user/Zacchaeus55</a> Or Watch some Save or Dice to see it in play.