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What's worse than a beholder? well... a beholder who's mastered the art of polymorphing. Genorq managed to master the spell and replace one of its eye rays with polymorph. It can now take the unassuming form of a human tycoon who's taking over several businesses in the city. The first one he and his cult of worshippers took over was Wilhelm's Jewelry. They now control all the ins and outs of precious metals, jewels, and foreign coins. Genorq is unlike others of its kind because he prefers an economic approach towards taking over the entire city. So far, its efforts have paid off well. Who knows what awaits in the near future when its operations grow more overt.

This illustration is included in several variants as usual. I'm back in the office so expect a fast schedule release over the next 10 or so days to catch up with my usual monthly map quota.

This illustration made a special appearance in the Return of the Lazy DM. Check it out here.  




Wooo I want to run something with this!!!

Bruce Meyer

I kickstarted The Return of the Lazy DM!


So cool, right! Sly Flourish is currently kickstarting another supplemen which will feature more of my maps too. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/slyflourish/fantastic-adventures-ruins-of-the-grendleroot-for-5e