270 Mandodaris Tower (Patreon)
Hello Denizens of the Tower!
Here's an archmage's tower. The location is ambiguous on purpose. This can be a regular tower or an underground construction (your choice). The place belongs to a rakshasa named Mandodaris. He uses illusory magic to pass as a human mage. Mandodari goes as far as to use his advanced magic abilities to help the townsfolk from nearby communities. He does this to avoid suspicion and be left alone. His real goals consist of summoning and sometimes binding fiends to his will. Most of the time he just summons them and sets them free in the material world. His goals are not grand, nor does he have a master plan. He only enjoys setting the world on fire.
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This illustration made a special appearance in the Return of the Lazy DM. Check it out here.
Elven Tower.