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A commoner named Seskel received a strange telepathic communication from what appeared to be a place under his house. For a year he dug down until he found a strange trash-eating creature. The otyugh communicated mentally with Seskel and asked for more food. Seskel complied out of curiosity and that is how the unlikely "friendship"  begun.

Seskel found a indescribable pleasure when he saw the otyugh consume all kinds of trash. That pleasure combined with the constant onslaught of implanted telepathic messages from the creature caused a gradual break down in Seskel's mental state and sanity. Over time, Seskel became a bad guy and an abuser. He has kidnapped people to feed live subjects to the otyugh. The creature, following its instinct, has consumed every thing that is thrown at it. Seskel is deranged and cannot see the wrong in his ways. Though he remains a coward.

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