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Traveler! A half-orc named Garug has formed a strange band of misfits and calls it the Orc-ganization. Its members come from all races. Most of them are of multicultural heritage too. They have been discriminated against because of their background or the circumstances of their birth and want to do something about it. They have vowed to stop those who are intolerant of their heritage and would be cruel against them. The problem is that their methods often end in excess of violence.

The local authorities offer a hefty reward to brave heroes who manage to track Garug and his motley crew of misfits to their lair and put a stop to their heinous acts. the characters shall soon find that they were not given all the information and that, despite Garug's methods, they are not bad folks at all. Maybe the characters can negotiate a truce or some sort of arrangement.

This is a level 4 adventure with a bit of role-playing, dungeon-crawling in a goblinoid cave, and the chance to gain a powerful ally. Here's a low-def preview of this illustration:

Here are some close shots of this awesome isometric location. The convoluted cave system was originally inhabited by goblins but Garug, the half-orc, now commands all of the mixed-race individuals there.

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