609 Starry Horizon, Nautiloid (Patreon)
Denizens of the Tower! The commonfolk do not concern themselves with the vast variety of cultures and environments that the multiverse harbors. Why would they? They live their petty, boring lives and still find content in the secluded nature of their existence. But others are more ambitious, daring individuals. Daredevils that surf the waters of the Astral Sea looking for adventures and forsaken treasures.
A renowned captain among the numerous crews that sail the Astral Sea once established a working relationship with a large crustacean creature, indigenous to the ethereal waters. Captain Gom Hudley crafted a nautiloid with the creature’s permission and, thus, gained access to a powerful ship. It became the flagship of his pirating organization. Other warring factions grew afraid of Captain Gom’s vessel. It was called ‘Starry Horizon’.
This is a level-neutral ship description that the adventurers can use to ride over to the sunset and embark on countless adventures
I appreciate your support. Because of your awesome support, we can make keep producing art, written content, and TTRPG-related stuff!
Until the next one, Elven Tower.