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This is my first patron exclusive material. It's available to all my patrons.

It will be shown on elventower.com buy only as part of a preview post for Patron exclusive content. It will have very low resolution and watermark.


This is the map of a goblin underground hideout. It has a lot of verticality.  It was originally the lair of a colony of burying formians who were killed by the goblins.  Goblins use ropes to move up and down the shafts.

Adventurers might be commissioned to come and get rid of the goblins or, alterntatively you could have the PC's ambushed and overwhelmed outdoors. The PC's are then taken down to the prison area. Now we have a prison break advnture. Since the PC's were taken there unconcious, they will have no idea how deep they are or how to get out.



John Alexopoulos

Hi Derek. I've seen your Elven Tower content on Reddit long enough. Had to do the patron thing.


Planning on using this as an add on to your dwarves mines map for my mining village (that frequently gets attacked by goblins) Seriously these are life savers for my campaign as I suck with map making!


This is why I'm here ! I'm always glad to hear how people will use my illustrations.