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Denizens of the Tower! This adventure supplement is a special collaboration with another Patreon creator we feel fortunate to call a friend, Dark Realm Maps. For this adventure, they have provided two unique maps to enhance the feel of this supplement. We invite you to check out Dark Realm Maps' Patreon page.

In Tomb of Two Gods, a group of level-8 adventurers hears about a recent tragedy in town. A local hunter came into town a few days ago and murdered numerous people in cold blood. All were caught unprepared to deal with the man's sudden outburst of violence. The constable sent a squad of voluntary guards to arrest the man in his lodging but none of them returned either. Now they offer a reward.

As the characters delve into this adventure, they shall discover that the hunter was not himself because of the influence of two strange entities in a nearby tomb. It is an ancient construction of elvish design meant to worship and understand the duality of the gods of the sun and the moon. A strange prophecy, related to these events, speaks of a time when both entities shall fuse and bring forth a time of reckoning for all mortals. The characters are now part of its fulfillment.

This is a level 8 adventure that leads the heroes to investigate a terrible crime, has them learn obscure truths about the nature of the world, and confronts them with a strange avatar that threatens to end the world as they know it.

Here are two close-shots of the adventure's layout:


My name is Toby, I am a professional illustrator and designer. I create fantasy and sci-fi maps and my work has appeared in many publications and a few of my own.

Your support here means a lot! It helps me make ends meet, buy new pens and paper, and support my children and very patient wife. It is also a great inspiration and drives me to produce more work! Your support means more free and exclusive patron maps venturing out into the community. You can also follow the map progress on Twitter and Instagram at @DarkRealmMaps where I am an active member of this RPG community. Dark Realm Maps' Patreon page.



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