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Denizens of the Tower! This adventure supplement is a special collaboration with a Patreon creator we feel fortunate to call a friend, Victor Escalante from Monstrous Tokens. For this adventure, he has provided three awesome umber hulk illustrations to enhance the feel of this supplement. We invite you to check out Monstrous Tokens' Patreon page.

In Astral Sea Hideout, a group of level-4 adventurers is hired by a merchant in distress that just had her shipment stolen by astral pirates. Sailing the Astral Sea is complex and she already expected something like this to happen. One of the stolen crates is marked with an arcane rune she can trace with a magical compass. She seeks a team of enforcers to accompany her to track down the petty corsairs.

The characters use an astral skiff to sail the Astral Sea and track the pirates down. They reach a remote isle in uncharted waters. The small team of pirates is trying to rise in prominence among the numerous pirate bands in the region. They target priority targets to earn such recognition. The characters confront the pirates in their lair when they celebrate their recent incursion.

This adventure takes the heroes to a remote location in the Astral Plane, gives them access to a magical skiff, and confronts them with the native population of the Astral Plane, of which many of them are corsairs.


My name is Vic and I like 3 things: drawing, monsters, and D&D. I'm a big fan of the old school black and white, hatching heavy art style from the 80s but also of the more soft and colorful art of today. Then I thought: wouldn't it be awesome if there were tokens or minis using an art style that combines the best of both worlds?

With this in mind, I decided to start drawing tokens of some monsters, using the original art of each as an inspiration and combining them with some cool details from their modern counterpart. And, sooner than later I had the idea of creating this Patreon because I know I can't be the only one who would like such a thing.

Find out more at Monstrous Tokens' Patreon page.



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