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Hello everybody, I've been distributing content in pdf format for a while. And will continue to provide alpha illustrations of the 3D maps for use with gaming software (by the way, the older images, I will release the alphas soon).

My question is, Have you liked this format so far? or would you like to go back to me uploading the individual images? I think I already know the answer but I'm just double checking on this.  Remember I starting doing this out of your asking.


Patrick Fogarty

What do we gain from individual images? I typically will only be running games offline, so perhaps this question doesn't have much impact on me.


Probably nothing, I'm just double checking on this change. At the beginning I used to provide individual images and the "adventure text" separate. Some people requested to have everything compiled in a single resource. I think it's working out so far.

Snidulfo Sidonia

I voted individual images. My workflow on macOS is as follows; extract images from PDF, drag them to Safari, then print them. In the print dialogue, blow them up to, say, 300% and I've got a 6 x A4/letter battlemap.

Eric Jwo

I would definitely like individual images. It would also be awesome to get the layers for the images, such as one for background, one for map, and one for text. A compiled PDF with adventure notes would then round out a full download. I know that this is a lot of work so I am content with the current PDF method as well, just throwing out the suggestion.


I think, unless the overwhelming majority wants image files to make their work easier, it makes more sense to provide the PDF and allow us to manipulate it as we please. This is just one opinion though! It appears the options are neck-and-neck. Perhaps those who want more elaborate formatting options could unlock them at a higher donation tier ;)


I like the PDF layout as a good overview or if I'm running the game irl. But for roll20 and such the individual images make it so much easier. Anyway to supply both? :)

Alarian DarkWind

I prefer the separate files because I put them into OneNote and have everything categorized. When It's in a pdf and I copy it out it looses all formatting and I have to go in and fix a bunch of stuff.


Because of this post. Every map after this includes the individual images, as well as the usual PDF.