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Today I want to share this outdoors map of a road blocked by bandits !

Actually, this map is part of a FREE adventure module by Jeff C. Stevens. You can find the adventure here: http://www.dmsguild.com/product/204411/Save-the-Wagons?filters=45469_0_0_0_0_0_0_0

Check it out, it's free and has my cartography. But other than that, here are the two pics. With and without grid. If you don't use the adventure. 

A suggestion to use this is to either have the party attacked by bandits while on the road. Or have the party coming from the opposite direction, and they can try to stop de bandits from robbing a caravan.



Jamie Gilbert

I wish there was a version without the wagons! Even so, I really like this. I might try to find a way to work this in...