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Traveler! This adventure supplement is a special collaboration with another Patreon creator we feel fortunate to call a friend, Dungeon Mapster. For this adventure, He has provided several maps to enhance the feel of this adventure supplement. We invite you to check Dungeon Mapster's Patreon page where he shares great cartography.

In Gorgon in Fairflow, the characters hear troubling rumors about a criminal organization that assails the city of Fairflow. There have been many unexpected developments: the government has been replaced with puppets loyal to a strange magical entity, a strange statue rests at the bottom of a canal by the boat house, and no one dares confront the corrupt captain of the city watch.

The characters soon discover that a gorgon moved into the depths of Fairflow and is controlling everything from the shadows. A nefarious operation siphons the city's riches away to the gorgon's lair. The situation is so dire that an envoy from the capital already suspects that something is amiss as the taxes have not been paid. The characters must venture into the depths of the city and root out the devilish, seemingly-immortal gorgon from her lair.

This is an adventure that brings the heroes to a city in dire need of heroes, pits them against a legendary foe that might turn some of them into stone, and gives them the opportunity to save the region and earn local renown.

Here's a close-shot of the adventure's layout:

Collaborator - Dungeon Mapster

My name is Ryan, a Dungeon Master, player, and gamer. Over the years gathering tabletop experience, I've found that many DMs face hurdles making campaigns and putting their resources together for Roll20 or for their own tables through the omission of maps. My goal is to make it easier for a DM to find what they need, ready to drop into their games with as little prep-time as possible, while also providing a more immersive and interesting experience for their players.

Dungeon Mapster's Patreon page

Join us on the creation of awesome adventures and maps here on Patreon!



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