We are Patreon Ambassadors! (Patreon)
Hi, there! We wanted to share some incredible news!
Thanks to your awesome support, we've been accepted as a Patreon Ambassador.
The Creator Ambassador program recognizes creators who have built successful memberships and advocate for fellow creators. Ambassadors are responsible for testing new product features, partnering with us on promotional opportunities, and representing Patreon in creator communities both online and offline.
We've already been given access to a beta feature that allows us to set up a shop and a digital inventory here on Patreon. Here's our shop page.
Soon, we'll be able to upload all issues of Dungeon Vault Magazine for easy deployment and distribution with our followers on Patreon, instead of using drivethruRPG download codes. The shop is in development and until further notice, we will still use download codes for those of you who prefer to have everything neat and tidy in their DrivethruRPG's content library.
In the near future, we may also try new features that are coming to Patreon. It may also help us publicize and market our page to keep our valuable community growing. Thank you all for your support. We thank you wholeheartedly.
Derek Ruiz