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Denizen of the Tower! In The Torch Carrier, the rumors of a chamber of gold reach the capital, and soon, travelers and adventurers come to Drake's Pass to investigate. People ignore that the ruins in the woods belonged to long-gone sphinxes. And that the magical creatures made sure that no one would ever rob them of their gold. Even if that meant destroying their treasure forever.

This is an adventure that makes a group of peasants gather and explore an underground tomb in the woods. They must overcome several challenges and defeat monsters to witness the chamber of gold in person. Nevertheless, it will be difficult to escape from the sphinxes' last trap...

This adventure supplement is a special collaboration with another Patreon creator we feel fortunate to call a friend, Elena Lasker at Domille's Wondrous Works. For this adventure, she has provided a 5-phased map to enhance the feel of this adventure supplement. We invite you to check out Domille's Wondrous Works.

Here's a close-shot of the adventure's layout:

Collaborator - Domille's Wondrous Works

I am Domille, the original creator of the phased battle map concept. Since I first released an official phased battle map in 2020, phased battle maps have taken off throughout the TTRPG community. If you are not familiar with the concept, they are maps for tabletop RPGs that evolve with the fight. The dungeon master can choose to progress the encounter to the next/previous phase at the top or bottom of the round, or at any time if the party is out of combat.

Join us in the creation of awesome adventures and maps here on Patreon!



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