710 Cracking the Vault - Lv3 Shadowdark Adventure (Patreon)
In Cracking the Vault, the characters are hired by a woman who claims to be the heir of Lord Sasktell, a tycoon who lived a few generations back. She explains that the greedy man refused to pass on his wealth and put it all in a vault that no one has been able to breach as of yet. If the characters agree, she promises to pay them handsomely but she shall keep the majority of the treasure found therein. At least, that is what she expects from the characters.
In this level-3 Shadowdark adventure, the characters find the forlorn compound under what is now the King's Library. Down there, they encounter a plethora of deadly traps that only the most cruel minds could fathom. In the last chamber, protected by eternal guardians, they find the vault door. This clockwork apparatus has never been tampered with. The great treasure of Lord Sasktell lies behind it. Are the characters perseverant enough to crack this vault and gain access to its contents?
This adventure has been designed for Shadowdark RPG through their 3rd party license. The system is meant to be accessible to OSR players and modern players alike. Adapting the material to 5e or other systems should not be difficult.
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Until the next one, Elven Tower.