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What's up, homies! Join us for our reaction to Fallout 1x4: The Ghouls.




I normally don't watch things multiple times unless it's Lord of the Rings lol but I'll gladly rewatch with my super homies.

Marlon Ortiz

HAHAHA for a min i thought u guys give up on the show lol


In the first episode, Lucy said that she was happy to participate in the tri-annual trade with Vault 32, so the last time they contacted Vault 32 was probably 3 years ago and since then, all that terrible stuff happened. It was probably soon after the last trade, things went bad, but we don't know exactly what. Maybe they killed the Overseer as one of the first things and they seem to be the only ones that can communicate between vaults, so they couldn't ask for help or spread "the truth."