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Below is a list of all the movies and series we've reacted to, listed under brand or streaming service. Uncut reactions are timecoded and do not feature original series or film footage due to copyright laws.



William Quesenberry

The phantom movie from the 90's is one of the best comic live action.

Lesley Vamos

I just watched your Wandavision reactions - SO good!!! You guys are always so refreshingly open minded and just genuinely joyous about shit people make, I would kill to see you do a reaction for Fringe, obviously it's way too long but even if you picked a few of the really different episodes, same for a show like Buffy where every season they would just have something zany like no dialogue or no music..

Steven Arredondo

I need you guys to do a puss in boots 2 reaction.!

Tyler Drake

Just wanted to say thank you guys for the positivity, in a world where there's so much hate, its nice to find some solace with you guys. Looking forward to the reactions to come :)

Kirk Coste

Thank you guys, You make my day everyday.

Infinite Ree

Wait you guys are gonna base whether to watch the original (which is superior imo) based on this prequel?


Hey y’all, what’s the appropriate method of recommending a show for you to watch? Here in the comments? A community poll? I would LOVE to see you guys watch Severance if you haven’t seen it yet. I know you guys have said you like to branch out a bit from the normal superhero things, and I think this would be a great show to add to the patreon!

Michael Leitenberger

Hey guys, loved the Batman/Batman Returns reactions! I was just wondering when the Indiana Jones reactions would start to drop?


Are you guys planning on reacting to Secret Invasion?

Robert von Heeren

They did, a few episodes are here, they jsut interrupted due to the strike but I think they will resume posting the last episodes soon here.

Mark Knoop

It’s a great idea but when I click on a link it doesn’t take me to that show. It just goes to the main page again. 🤔

Mark Knoop

I just see the most recent posts. I’m on my phone now. I’ll see what happens on my laptop later tonight.

Myles Away

Same for me. I click the link and it redirects me back to the main page with the most recent post. I am using a laptop.


Whaaaaa... *sigh* Goes to the appropriate tag when I click on it here or in incognito mode. Will work on fixing it.


The correct URL format for me is: https://www.patreon.com/heroesreforged/posts?filters[tag]=Falcon%20and%20Winter%20Soldier&sort=published_at Yours is missing "/posts"


Love this directory!!

Peter Evans

Thanks for this sorting out directory!

Jamal Bayliss

This is amazing thank you

Irfan Malik

Congrats on passing 1600 Patreon Subs!!

Dianna Anderson

Are you guys going to react to Avatar 2 trailer ?


These links still aren't working for me. I posted above the URL format that loads correctly


Only here for the xmen season 2! its my fave! plz soon ty


Obi Two Kenobi?

Felicia B

I'm so excited to see all of the things you don't have on YouTube!


Are you guys doing anymore of the animated x-men? Haven’t read anywheres what the plan is there


Yeah would love to see them react to that


Would be a great idea to start it now that Ms. Marvel is over.


It's fine, it's unrealistic to expect that these busy boys will be able to binge as hard as us. They should go at their own pace, I don't doubt they have a lot on their plate.


I know ya'll have a million suggestions and things to do, but I'd like to put my hat in the ring for a watch along of Batman the Animated Series. The Writing is phenomenal and performances (Mark Hamill as joker) are TOP TIER. anyways love forever goodbye!

Chris Lee

Would also love to see a reaction to The Sandman.

Jennifer Wolfe

Second this one on The Sandman, that show was one of the most lovely, most brilliant, and most thoughtful adaptations of a comic book I've seen. Hands down I think one of the best adaptations.


hope the xmen animated series comes bak next week! i love it!


dang it!


ohh well i still have she-hulk and Rings...


I can't remember, did you guys say that you plan on, at some point, reacting to "Stargirl?"


Not rushing, just was wondering if I mistaken or not about remembering it in a Coming Soon image.


An excellent line up of reactions but guys, no Witcher? No Wheel of Time?


I haven't seen Wheel of Time yet, but I second The Witcher. I think you guys would like it.


OMG GUYS! CONGRATS ON YOUR 100K!!!!! WOOOHOOO !!! I know I tell all my nerd friends about you guys . I love your content and the varying opinions the three of you have on everything. You even got me to watch horror stuff..... which I NEVER do......So..... let's start the 200K count down!!! And when are you going to cover the Marvel Assembled series ????????

Molly Collins

100K WHOOP WHOOP!! YOU GUYS SO DESERVE IT! CONGRATS! I have been watching you guys since day 1 when I was a freshman and now I am about to graduate! CRAZYY. Time flies!! So stoked for you guys!! Anyhow, this is super random but I have just recently gotten obsessed with the Walking Dead due to the series ending recently and I'm curious. Have you guys seen it? I know you guys have soo much on your plate so I do not expect you to get into that long of a show anytime soon but I am thoroughly enjoying it and I would love to see what you guys think--even if you already have seen it! It would be so dope. Keep up the great work! you guys are amazing!!

Reece Hart

Congrats on making 100k subs lads. You deserve all the love

Michael Charboneau

Gratz on the numbers! Can't wait to see what you do next! Speaking of which, I've seen references to one my favorites, Sandman, as "coming soon", but haven't heard any more on it. Any idea when you'll do Sandman?