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The penultimate episode of Moon Knight is here, and we go deep into the origins of Steven Grant and Marc Spector. Brace yourselves, because it's going to be a bumpy, emotional ride. Queue up your Disney+ and join us!



Hiya Fellas! I'm going back and looking at your stuff before I became a Patron and this rewatch is awesome. FYI I slid into those DM's and I was respectful...but no response. Maybe I'll try again... Or maybe it's the meds talking.. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.. Love the reaction as usual. I just wish I found you guy sooner!


Last week, right after I watched last episode, I googled which Egyptian goddess had a hippo head, she's associated with the afterlife and water and purifying the soul on the way to the afterlife


🥹🥹🥹the entirety of that opening better be in the YouTube edit version! 🙌🏼🙌🏼😂😂😂 My face hurts from laughing

Kathryn Harvey

I think the one thing I desperately want the most from this show is for them to not Iron Man 3 us and pull a "and then after the show he was cured and never had that problem again!" card. Marvel has a tendency in the past to arbitrarily decide characters have just magically gotten over mental illnesses or disabilities that are normally lifelong and I hope we've gotten past that.

Zachary Gaudreau

If anything it's going to lean into it more I think. We'll almost certainly get Steven back, and possibly Jake as well, but they will now see each other as allies rather than competing people fighting for a single body. I believe that is generally what is considered healthy in the context of DID, being able to peacefully coexist and accept each alter as valid. Each has different skill sets and knowledge, and they will be able to pass the reins to whoever is best suited to a task.

David Collier

I’ve really loved this show so far, but I needed episodes 5 and 6 to blow me away in order to put it in my top 3 MCU shows… after this episode I just need the finale to close the storylines coherently and it’s a top 3 for me. Give Oscar Isaac every award possible. He keeps blowing me away. There are now three specific instances in the MCU shows that have made me feel this emotional: episode 8 of WandaVision, Sam talking to Isaiah Bradley in episode 5/6 of FATWS, and now this episode. Marvels at its best when it’s making you hurt emotionally lmfao

Kathryn Harvey

That's the hope. It's hard to say because the MCU has rarely overtly addressed mental illness until recently and tends to just imply it (eg Steve Rogers, Stephen Strange etc). So on the one hand we have only one or two examples handled really well (eg Bucky) that were allowed to have a long hard road to recovery and that aren't necessarily ever going to be "over it" which is true for mental illness very often in real life, but on the other hand we have one or two examples (Tony) where it was a plotpoint for one movie and then was never addressed again, which sets up this idea and expectation that you just have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get over it. And then that's it, really, they put everyone else in a big box of "VAGUELY SAD" without addressing anything real or specific. But given how much better Marvel has done in recent phases and especially Phase 4 about it and other situations, it feels like if they try to pretend that whole magically getting over it approach is feasible for Marc it would be a wildly out of character step backwards, so I'm hopeful.


That Sentry idea sounds cool, but I'd more expect that to be a Professor X thing, I remember just before Hickman and Krakoa a few years ago, Emma Frost either uses or considers using Cerebro to make the world forget mutants, then right after that is the big shakeup where mutants collectively overcome death and become a world superpower in the 616

Myles Away

Wow. Oscar Issac was brilliant in this episode.

Robert von Heeren

If Oscar doesn't get an Emmy for this performance, I will flip the table... Very deep and convincing psychological episode. 100% true, real and not superficial. Marvel has the right counselors. Ethan Hawk is fantastic. Very touching ep. Best so far. Reaction too, but Adam takes Hector's Wingman-ish approach with grace, didn't even blush, c'mon! Good luck!


I have NO IDEA where Moon Knight ep 6 is going to go and I love that.

Ronin Unchained

Loved this episode and proud of this show. Up there with WandaVision for me. Also, Wing Men Assemble!!! Lol

Mark T Howard

This was soooo Reminiscent of Jane from Doom Patrol as well as Split. Watching Marc care about what happened to Steven was a gut punch.


Mark Ellis be using penultimate a lot also and he is also single by choice. Lol


Watching how Steven becomes the confident one by the end of this episode is amazing. I had a hard time knowing who was who at times due to the body language completely shifting as Marc faced his trauma

Flat Satire

I'm subscribed AND a Patron! Which way do I slide to hit those penultimate DMs? Overlook the slight age difference Adam. We'll enjoy the Denny's early bird specials, and a gamut of other romantic getaways featured in the AARP magazine. 😉 Seriously loved the reactions this week. I wish there was more than one more episode to go.

Madison Berrett

Have you guys watched United States of Tara? That is another AMAZING show that deals with DID.


This was a surprisingly emotional depiction of Marc trauma and how it lead to the creation of Steven. Particularly wrenching to see how Marc manifested Steven to cope with his childhood trauma, yet how Marc eventually tries to protect Steven from learning the truth about his mother's abusive behavior. While I long suspected that Steven's "mom" was dead despite his phonecalls to her, I didn't anticipate the sadness of Steven confronting the fact and admitting she was dead. I thoroughly enjoyed your reactions to this episode, homies. Yet another reason I'm glad to be a Patreon supporter.

Barbara Jones

Thx for holding my hand during my re-watch!!! Needed your support. Still cried. Just wondering, is the Patreon watch your first watch then you go and watch again (on your own in the dark?)

Carol Rozendo

Oooh, Adam is single? 😘😋


Not where I was going with that but whatever floats their boats. Just found it funny that smart guys are not afraid to be single and as a single dumb guy I’m jealous.

Nurhadi Roshaimi

Hippopotamus song on repeat to comfort me till next week.


Yes the Patreon watch is our first watch though. We all watch it on our own later if we have time, but sometimes this version is the one and only time we watch the episode

Caedes Plerique

Here's a particular mind blowing element to this episode: Rewatch the first Dr. Harrow visit from this episode. The behavior and accent of Oscar here is not matching Marc. Some people pointed out it is a Brooklyn accent, and of the personalities that Marc Spector has, Jake the cab driver is the one with the Brooklyn accent. That may have been our real first look at Jake!

Tom Clough

Well this show just took a turn i wasnt expecting. It was great that they addressed very quickly that different cultures ans gods have their own versions of the afterlife. Its crazy to think that after Iron man 3 dealt with PTSD we have now got phase 4 dealing with basicly every aspect of mental trauma. Marvel deserve a lot of credit for that.

Jay Patel

Not just the accent and behavior but also the look. He has blood on his nose and other injuries. Neither of which show up later on Marc or Steven.

Jake Samuels

I'm really glad that they took a full episode to delve into Marc and Steven's origins, as I feel like anything less than that wouldn't have been enough to handle it with the care it needed. Can't believe there's only one episode left, it feels like there's so much they need to do.

Peter Evans

Hector and Augustine at the overboard was spectacular. Disney phase for 4-? let it add the feels.

Carol Rozendo

I think at least a nomination would be fair, but winning I don't know, tough competition