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What's up, homies! The journey through Middle-earth continues with our reaction to The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. This has been such a great revisit for us in anticipation of The Rings of Power. Make sure you stay tuned for those reactions starting next week!

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Hey guys!!! This one was sadder but still enjoyable. Watching movies with you guys is so much fun. I find myself laughing out loud constantly ..lol I want Viggo to end up with Liv... I'm so bummed. But the saving grace and best part of the WHOLE movie... " I want it raw and wriggling" not to mention wet !omg I almost fell off my couch laughing. You guys are great, I just had a minor surgery you these watch alongs are keeping me company.. THANK YOU!!! Keep them coming!

John C Vasquez Jr

I've never been so excited to finish work today. Can't wait to watch The Two Towers, pop open a beer and watch my Hero Amigos react to this movie. What a way to kick off the start of my weekend. Thank You All!!!!

Philip Rosenquist

As a Dane I would say Viggo for sure is Danish 😎. It meant alot to us he had such a pivotal role in the trilogy.

PT Jarman

Great watch along. As you said throughout, Two Towers is a master class in film making from cinematography, to sound design, to framing, to color grading, practical effects, screenplay . . . all of it. I'll never tire of watching this - thanks guys.


I was 8 when my mom had me watch The Fellowship and Two Towers so she could take me to Return of the King in theatres with my grandfather. I was so afraid of Gollum even by the time I saw Return of the King lol.


Every time Shadowfax makes his entrance I fangirl so hard, it's ridiculous. The most majestic king Also love Treebeard, he's got some really memorable lines, and Gandalf's resurrection & level up

Eric G

Godfather! Yes!

Dakota Jones

After rewatching this with you guys as a 25 year it blows my mind how much everything is clearer now to understand. I mean my brother and sister are 33-34 so I grew up with VHS Star Wars, Jurassic park anything my brother and sister grew up watching when they were teens I remember vividly and LOTR was my brothers SHIT. For me I remember the ps2 games, the maps, the dvds, the swords you’d see at toy shops. Anyways it’s good to be back. I think my favorite thing about two towers is the talk between Aragorn and Legolas in elvish before the battle. So good!


I haven’t seen this in a while but I remember it being not as good in my mind as FOTR. Watching now with you guys I really enjoyed this one. I would like to watch the extended version as I was always interested in the relationship between Faramir and Boramir as their father clearly favored the eldest son. Looking forward to Return of King. Edit: I really appreciate Agustin’s behind the scenes stuff so please keep it up. Plus you 3 guys have the best hair on the internet lol


Loved these first 2 watch alongs. I also love the modern context I think it is hard for us all to ignore (fascism, bigotry, addiction, greed) My experience with these films is watching them with my father (A HUGE tolkien nerd - he even learned how to write and read Dwarvish runes in high school) but my entire family is religious and conservative. I could never experience these films with a modern critique of fascism and bigotry because it is too controversial for my family to talk about. Also I appreciate that when you recognize a love between Frodo and Sam and talk about it being romantic it doesn't feel like a joke at queer folks' expense but something you would actually like to see represented. So once again, thanks boys. Heroes Reforged forever Goodbye!

Chris Williamson

Another great reaction and loved the quick discussion at the end. Sam's monologue is probably my favorite of any film. It is timeless and inspiring and I get emotional every time I see it or read it. Any idea as to when the Return of the King reaction will drop?

Dr. Tracy Smith

Thank you so much for this! I've been having a rough couple of weeks, and I was finally able to watch this today. It truly made me feel better to watch something that I love, and to watch it with people who truly appreciate it (and who have humorous commentary along the way).


I guess this question answered itself already. BUT, when we do movie drops like this (a trilogy or series) the hope is to drop one per week.

David Lonewolf Wright

Did anyone see if any of the reinforcement elves survived or any of the conscripted kids, as I didn't see them in that final room before they did their final charge?