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What's up, homies! Stress levels are back to a ten this week with another episode of The Last of Us. Safe to say that all good things must come to an end, which means the truck ain't gonna last too long. Right? RIGHT?!



Jorge Vergara

I was confused coz i see first the YouTube reaction first and didn’t find in patreon 😅


The amount of times I was hitting refresh lol


Did patreon get rid of the picture in picture option for videos? I noticed your last couple uploads were missing that option. I don't have a second screen so that pic in pic option was very useful.


That's odd. The option still seems to come up for me and it works fine. What browser are you using? You could try an alternative browser or fiddling around with the browser settings.

Grand Moff Slackin'

I admire the commitment to the wardrobe. It’s like when Steve Jobs decided to only wear black turtlenecks and Levi’s.

Tay Schumaker

As someone from Kansas City, first off, how dare you?!

Peter Evans

Really enjoying the fact, you haven't played through the games. The reveals and the suspense reactions have been awesome to view. I didn't play the games, but watch many streamers replay TLOU before the TLOU2 came out. Everyone reacts differently to the situations.

Tay Schumaker

Also I think you watched these a while ago, but the plan is the first season is the first game, and Part 2 will be seasons 2 and 3 as it is a lot bigger than Part 1. And you can beat the first game in under 20 hours easy

Tay Schumaker

Missouri. The one in KS doesn't count. Though both states suck pretty bad. KC is pretty cool

Reece Hart

We had a cameo from Jeffrey Pierce, Tommy's voice actor, in this episode. He was the bearded bad ass looking guy that was keeping Kathleen up to date on Henry and the "Oh hell no I am out" hole.

Brian Campbell

When do we get the t-shirt that reads: WHATZUPHOMIES??

Pulin Joshi

The button on the bottom right went away for me too where I usually selected PIP but if you right click on the video, you can select picture in picture and it works the same as before!


Did anyone elses pop-out/mini video player feature go away?? (The thing where you could drag the guys video unto HBO's site/video player). The button isn't there anymore for me. Don't know if my computer is acting up or patreon removed it? Loved the feature so hope it comes back


THANK YOU been trying to figure out what happend to the feature for like 40 min but this worked! Anyone else having trouble finding it try this


Someone above had the same problem but Pulin Joshi figured it out, you need to right click on your guys video and then you find the picture-in-picture option. So all is well again. Thanks for helping out though 😊

Pulin Joshi

No worries! Sounds like it wasn't just us haha. Glad the homies were able to spread the word to everyone

Roman Penna

Both games are pretty linear, not that many side-quests or such. Just more small character moments from collectibles (that they are doing in the show, like the joke book is directly from the game, and they did that really well!)