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Why do they all want bananas!!?? (0_o; )

YouTube Reaction includes intro and outro discussion

Dan Da Dan Master List


Ryan H

Banana kudasai

Nolan L Thomas

Dawg, the chaotic, kinetic energy in this show is top-notch. Momo and Okuran are already an endearing duo. I definitely need more of this show, loving it so far.

Nolan L Thomas

Sam, Science Saru is the studio who is doing the animation, and so far, they are killing it. The colors and fluidity are so smooth and vibrant.

Tony Do

I saw the S1E1 reaction and it was so good, I went and read through the manga! I think Sam/Dani/Morgan will continue to enjoy this series, gets better and better imo!


I really really like how both MCs have powers in this story and its not a protector and wimp trope - sort of like Spy Family in a way, like on their own they're a problem sure but when they're together it's a real force to be reckoned with


Transformation Okarun and Normal Okarun are both the same VA


This might be bit controversial, but i think that fart was deliberate... Her face was too close, and he took the chance.


I saw some ppl being very critical of Science Saru when it was announced that they were animating this show but I was stoked as hell. Science Saru has one of the most unique art styles and fluid animation in the industry. Ping Pong the animation was insane.


So happy you three like it! Been following the manga since the start and it's been an amazing time. This production's nailed the adaptation, top to bottom 🙌 so excited!


I was blown away by the animation in this one, especially the black-white aesthetic with red for emphasis. I too was surprised by how hard Okarun’s transformation was. I’m looking forward to more!

Aleister Crowley

when he says yo all I can think of is Chika fujiwara during the banned word game yo

Merv H

I love the chemistry between the characters and they are both so badass 💪🏼. Loved your reaction!!