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Double cheeked up.. on a Thursday afternoon (˘ŏ_ŏ)

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Marc Senécal

Yesss been waiting for this one!


The animation in last scene is everything!!!

cyrus gudino (edited)

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2024-12-08 17:10:35
2024-12-02 01:11:05

Nolan L Thomas

Safe to say Sam’s prayers went unanswered 😅😂. They weren’t rocking with her this episode 😂😂

cyrus gudino (edited)

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2024-12-08 17:10:35 After that last scene you can’t just show up to school the next day. You gotta move towns, move cities, leaving the country works too 😭 But for real though that last 2 minutes might genuinely be one of your greatest reactions😂😂
2024-12-02 01:26:37 After that last scene you can’t just show up to school the next day. You gotta move towns, move cities, leaving the country works too 😭 But for real though that last 2 minutes might genuinely be one of your greatest reactions😂😂

After that last scene you can’t just show up to school the next day. You gotta move towns, move cities, leaving the country works too 😭 But for real though that last 2 minutes might genuinely be one of your greatest reactions😂😂

Nolan L Thomas

The creativity of the fight/action and the way the animation illustrates them, is one of the many things that make this series so great and entertaining. That ending was pure comedy 😂😂😅😅

Marc Senécal

Just finished the episode oh my god that was hysterical. You cant go back to school after this lmao


This show manages to be peak in every genre it touches. Ep4 for action, ep5 for romance, ep7 for drama, and now ep9 for comedy, this one was gold.


Them laughing at the end was so wholesome but why does he have to be fully nude😭😭

20 16

Lol if ur embarrassed because they are naked now be thankful that they animated them more comedic in the anime , because the manga definitely drew those angles in a more let's say embellished condition.

Aleister Crowley

the mantis shrimp was singing Chiquitita by ABBA


The head Serpoian mentions he was surprised Aira is in this “void construct” as it’s only for people with spiritual power. That along with the sumo alien kind of shows that the aliens can set aside a closed copy of reality. So those episodes can go off the rails but if they better alien everything is fixed. For spirits it’s as you say, to most people Momo and Aira look like normal people and they can’t see Momo’s hands or the spirits

SlickVic ! (edited)

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2024-12-08 17:10:35 if you can watch uncomfortable scenes like that. reconsider your black listed shows
2024-12-02 16:53:02 if you can watch uncomfortable scenes like that. reconsider your black listed shows

if you can watch uncomfortable scenes like that. reconsider your black listed shows

ALex alex

why they animated it green lol in my monitor i barely could see anything


Typically I'm over the harem trope but I kind of like it here. Usually the MC in those cases is animated to be some "hot" OP hero. Here they don't fall for him until they actually get to know him. Like Aira was attracted to his kindness after he said "if someone's in trouble, you would help, wouldn't you?" as an obvious statement.