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Adora mostly shares work out tips and shows her muscles off (can we blame her?) She wants to build a solid community in social media to promote her own training app in the future.

She earns some cash through protein powder sponsors too XD




How often does she have to block shadow weaver stalking from a new account?

Markus Frisén

I can only imagine the comments...

Aly Runke

Lol I want to see catras reaction!


Hear me out, Catra has a Tik Tok and just rants about how hot Adora is thinking no one is seeing her posts, and then one day she's on a live or something, and Adora leaves a comment and Catra is an absolute mess and freaks out.


See, those are her *stated* reasons, and they’re true. Buuuut, if Catra happens to see her…well, Adora’s not gonna complain.




I would totally follow them both, even though I'm usually not into jocks. But sexy lady right here? Yes please!