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Monthly Suggestion Poll (January)

  • The super pal trio has been through tough tImes, Perfuma should help them relax with a spa day! Mud masks and yoga all around! 22
  • The BFS going sledding!! 11
  • Adora and Catra meeting Adora’s long-lost twin brother… HE-MAN!!!!! 76
  • More of Catra raised by Angella AU 38
  • A playful spar between Catra and Adora. Bow Glim and Scorpia cheering with Entrapta doing her own thing. 26
  • 2025-01-05
  • 173 votes
{'title': 'Monthly Suggestion Poll (January)', 'choices': [{'text': 'The super pal trio has been through tough tImes, Perfuma should help them relax with a spa day! Mud masks and yoga all around!', 'votes': 22}, {'text': 'The BFS going sledding!!', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Adora and Catra meeting Adora’s long-lost twin brother… HE-MAN!!!!!', 'votes': 76}, {'text': 'More of Catra raised by Angella AU ', 'votes': 38}, {'text': 'A playful spar between Catra and Adora. Bow Glim and Scorpia cheering with Entrapta doing her own thing. ', 'votes': 26}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 1, 5, 12, 39, 45, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 173}



This month we have very interesting suggestions! 💗

Choose your favorite one ☺️💗



Super cool (the Grayskull Twins) 🗡️💯🗡️😎