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When married couple Ray and Jennie Kehlet went on a prospecting trip to the Western Australian outback in March 2015, they had one thing on their minds and that was to find gold. But when the couple suddenly disappeared without a trace, one of the biggest searches in WA history ensued, prompting the question - were Ray and Jennie lost or had they fallen victim to foul play? 


Anonymous Host - narration

Elsha McGill - research, writing

Milly Raso - creative direction

Mike Migas - production, music

Andrew D.B. Joslyn - music



Annie G

I think we all know what happened here ... 😔


I genuinely have no idea! If Graham killed Ray and Jennie why take Jennie to the mine shaft and let her have a smoke about it? If they were having an affair, where is the evidence and why kill her? If they both killed Ray together why would Jennie abandon her beloved dog over it? If it wasn't Graham, then why was his DNA at the mine shaft? But then why was hers? What the heck happened?

Ashley Batton

This is honestly a very confusing case. I genuinely hope her body is found and provides more answers for this poor family.

Krista Matsumoto

I found this to be incredibly confusing and even a little boring. I hate to say that though because I’m a die hard Casefile fan.


This is such a wild one. I know most of the cases have clear-cut answer and in this case I feel like aliens could even be included

Callum Brady

The danger of heading out into remote areas. I wonder how different it would have been if they had a decent look down the shaft before concluding the smell was the dead roo

Raechel Decker

This one is so frustrating, so many unanswered questions. I’m glad that it’s being actively investigated

Jon Exler

Always love an incomplete story 👎🏽


I don't know why they didn't get the cadaver dogs out to the area where he was parked up and angrily waved away the couple on the road. I'd say from that he was burying her body. Unbelievable how poor the police were. He lied about his movements, the timelines are totally implausible - the 8 hour journey taking double the time yet he claims he only had a brief stop. The DNA is the clincher. Those cigarettes didn't magically appear. Found just 3M from the hole. Add that to the dog somehow travelling 30km in a short space of time. Astonished he wasn't done on circumstantial evidence

Ernesto Ortiz

Seems likely he killed them both. Crazy they haven't searched the area where he waived off the couple.

J. Chips

Ugh this case frustrated me! I don’t know why immunity was granted when none of the information divulged was helpful to learn the truth. I was reminded of the Matty Leveson case. RIP all victims. :’(

J. Chips

Just imagine how their families feel. Also it’s not a “story” it’s people’s lives

B-randy D

So many unanswered questions and such a heavy load for those left asking. Thank you for sharing what you did. The personal stufffrom the blogs, their dog, the kaleidoscope. My heart hurts just having learned about this. I can’t even begin to imagine how their loved ones feel.