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  • Case_307_The_Night_Call... - audiogram.mp4
  • Case_307_The_Night_Call... - audiogram.mp4



The city of Perth in Western Australia is sometimes described as the most isolated city in the world. During the late 1950s, Perth’s idyllic beaches, laidback lifestyle and small town atmosphere made it feel like a safe, protected place to live. But that sense of safety would be abruptly shattered by a man who would come to be known as The Night Caller.


Anonymous Host - narration

Erin Munro - research, writing

Milly Raso - creative direction

Mike Migas - production, music

Andrew D.B. Joslyn - music




Yay so happy you are back!!


When is part two out? I like listening one after the other so might save it


Reddit was right!


I really appreciate all of your hard work. I have listened to every single podcast and you tell these stories so well. Some have really stayed with me and I often think of the victims. Thanks Casey and team.

Brenda Wells

Yes! Welcome back, Casefile!


Part 2 is out for our Patreon subscribers too! Thank you for your support!


*squeee!!!!* Casey is back 🤩🥰

Bob Trenwith

This is what I guessed from the car in the photo last week. I guess we might hear from John Button ... the decent John Button, not the snake who dumped his friend to support Bob Hawke.


I guess waking up at 3am and not being able to go back to sleep isn’t that bad of a thing

Suicide Sauce

I’ve seen some iconic Australian bush in my time if you know what I mean




"a 28-hour drive away" WTF WTF?! Casefile that's a horror story in one sentence, AUSTRALIA YOU GUYS NEED TO CALM DOWN 💀


Failing out of a two-part Casefile episode 1 minute in because i can't handle the idea of everyone in Perth being 30 hours away from everyone else on earth. This is like watching Wake In Fright all over again 😅😭

S. Martin

Excellent writing as always.

Annie G

Welcome back guys! 🩷

Bob Trenwith

You would think with so many cases, the lack of fingerprints in all of them would have been enough evidence in itself to suggest that they were all linked.

Curious Geordie

What a way to kick off a new season...well done

Kim Brown

So happy that you all are back!!

Amanda Perkin

Words can't describe how bloody buzzing I am for casefiles return


I’m holed up in my bed with bronchitis and I know what I’m doing for the next three hours! Thank you sooo much Casefile! 💕

B-randy D

Bummed ep 307 has nothing to do with Wyoming, but happy to have my favorite pod back!! Very interested in this one…

Patrick Gadoury

Despite being very strange to celebrate the masterful telling of such dark stories. No one does it better and with as much respect. It's good to have this back. Keep it up team!


Ahhh, I'm torn between thinking it's wild they were even able to put all the attacks together back then, because on the face they all seem like such different types of violence, and thinking that it's wild they *didn't* put all the attacks together back then, because what even are the odds of a mid-sized city having two, let alone THREE, serial killers all operating at once, all (as you noted) striking totally randomly without any victim profile and without leaving behind any significant evidence, and all repeatedly stealing, using, and sometimes returning stolen vehicles? Like were the police just assuming that's Just Perth Things or what?! Great episode. I'm amazed I've never heard of such a terrifying criminal. Probably everyone's going to say this reminds them of D'Angelo, but the public reaction and the police being so hamstrung all reminds me a lot of the Yorkshire Ripper era. Excited for part 2! Welcome back, guys!


Welcome back guys! My Saturday mornings are more enjoyable now. I know I'm weird.

Hannah Daikhi

Not weird! I jumped up for joy when I woke up and am like “yaaay murder is back” lol

Lydia Lee

Not my dumb American ass thinking a murderer was showing up with a tiki torch for a light

Carly Millar

Awesome case to cover! I read a great book years ago where this case features heavily, it’s called The Shark Net by Robert Drewe, well worth a read!


Back with a bang! What an important and interesting case to start with.


I hope the Casefile crew enjoyed some time off. It's lovely to have you back!

Ashley Batton

I thought that too the first time my Aussie friend said she would get a torch


It's the generic term for those outdoor lamps on sticks you see at pool parties etc

Troy Janise

The narrator keeps referring to the firearm as a 22 gauge rifle. The gauge is determined by the number of lead balls that weigh one pound and have the same diameter as the bore. Common shotgun gauges: 10-gauge, 12-gauge, 16-gauge, 20-gauge, 28-gauge, and .410-bore. Gauge and bore diameter The smaller the gauge number, the larger the bore diameter. The larger the gauge, the fewer lead balls are needed to weigh one pound. The word he should be using is caliber which is the actual inner diameter of the barrel and the outer diameter of the projectile. Other than that, he's one of my favorite narrators!


I guess technically they never proved that they were given [spoilers for next ep] that they never prosecuted anyone for most of them 🙃


I'm actually not even certain if anybody related to the podcast really listens to or sorry read these comments but anyways I don't really socialize with other patreon users but I am going to say man I've been listening to this podcast forever and it's got to be one of the most thorough and dare I say brutal but in one of the most elegant ways that you could possibly give the information if that resonates I'm just using voice to text I am really thinking this out love this podcast appreciate the intense amount of effort it must take to produce cheers


Strong EARONS vibes Also, how isolated can a town be-- 😳 Welcome back team! Great music as well, Andrew.

J. Chips

46:06 did you mean to say 1968 or 1958?