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(Part 1/3)

At 9:15 AM on Wednesday, February 9, Mike and Gary arrived at 23 Cranley Gardens as planned. Mike re-entered the manhole and was surprised to see that a majority of the flesh-like substance was no longer there. He reached deeper into the drain and fished around until he made contact with something solid. Upon pulling the object out, he realised he was holding what appeared to be a human knuckle.

As this is an exclusive Patreon perk, we ask that you do not share the RSS feed and refrain from discussing this case elsewhere until general release. 

We highly value your feedback. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please let us know below.


Anonymous Host - narration

Holly Boyd - research

Elsha McGill - writing

Mike Migas - production, scoring

Andrew D.B. Joslyn - scoring

Milly Raso - creative direction



Abhi Ram

A three parter!!! 🤤 Thanks heaps guys. Love your work

Sally Shields

Joined so we could enjoy the case-file fear & fall asleep to the dulcet tones of the Anonymous Host. We love your work guys! Sal & Laura xx

Sean Boulden

I'm at an impasse... Do I listen now or wait til

Sean Boulden

The other 2 episodes drop and binge all 3 at once 🤔

Maya George

A love a multi-part case! So glad I had my porridge breakfast before I started listening to this hahaha

Iain Strachan

A very well known case here in the UK but you’ve managed to make it very interesting, with a lot of info I wasn’t aware of. Thank you.

Jason Colombo

This is one of the most horrifying things I’ve ever listened to. I was well aware of this case, you just made it that much more surreal and fucked. I cannot wait until the AMA around researching this. ☺️

Crysalyn Lopez

Knew the case as soon as they mentioned the blocked drain!

Robyn Stephens

This one was tough. Probably first podcast in all long time I had to stop and go ‘Eecchhhh’ and take a break. :) It’s told really well as Casefile always does. But this one is gruesome...

Luke Fewings

I might have missed it, can someone confirm the year for me? Thanks in advance.

Ruth Tilleard

I hope we don’t have to wait too long for parts 2 and 3

