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Christie knew that Chand had been struggling lately, but she couldn’t have anticipated what he said next. Her heart sank as he stated: “I put 40 pills into a drink and I’ve crushed them all. And if you don’t get to my house within 10 minutes, I’m gonna drink them.”

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We highly value your feedback. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please let us know below.


Anonymous Host - narration

Erin Munro - research, writing

Milly Raso - creative direction

Mike Migas - production, music

Andrew D.B. Joslyn - music



Bob Trenwith

Murder is murder. EVERY murderer is a sick individual. There should be no excuses other than self defence.

Connor Kimmel

This case made me infuriated with the justice system honestly. How did they screw up so badly with handling this creep?

Christine Allen

This was a hard one. Must of been hard to write. How can any justice system allow this to happen? The judge who let him out on bail? Did he read the letter? To the end? Great job on this one Casefile team. Bravo.

kayla noftall

This one was particularly heart wrenching


This case hit me close to home. What a terrible tragedy to befall a beautiful young woman with so much promise. The case briefly touched on stalking as Christie confided that she was being followed and watched by Chand. In the US there has been improved laws against stalking in recent years that has given victims more rights. It used to be that a stalker had to actually do something before police could act or arrest. I’m curious if NZ has any stalking laws and if so have they been promoted so young women know their rights.

John M

Devastating and infuriating. Hope this hangs low on his lawyers, the judge and anyone else responsible for his bail being given.

Mandy G

This is one of the most tragic cases I’ve heard in awhile. So, after the first incident, he wasn’t considered dangerous and psychotic enough to be committed. But after he murders this poor girl, now he is considered legally insane and her family will never receive justice. How brutally awful.

Michael Wood

I remember this case being a big deal here in New Zealand when I was younger , thanks so much for your amazing attention to detail and such impressive research. Hearing this breaks my heart for not only the marceu family but the New Zealand justice system as a whole 💔

Charles Comiskey

I think I had heard the names involved in this story but never knew the details. What a dark and tragic story.

Sasha Keinut

Never listened to a case that made me so angry and frustrated!