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Mission work has been part of Christianity since its inception. Verses in the Gospel of Matthew quote Jesus Christ as telling his apostles to make “disciples of all nations”. These passages are known as the “Great Commission” and have led some Christians to believe they must save souls through conversion.


Anonymous Host - narration

Erin Munro - research, writing

Mike Migas - production, music

Andrew D.B. Joslyn - music

Milly Raso - creative direction



The life and death of John Chau, the man who tried to convert his killers - The Guardian

The last days of John Allen Chau - Outside

John Chau aced missionary boot camp. Reality proved a harsher test - New York Times

John Chau’s death on North Sentinel Island roils the missionary world - The New Yorker

Was the missionary killed on a remote island trying to end the world? - The Outline

The story of John Chau’s death in Andaman Islands is still unfolding - The Kansas City Star

The American missionary and the uncontacted tribe - GQ

Explorer Spotlight: John Allen Chau - The Outbound

Andaman Police to summon American nationals over missionary John Allen Chau’s death - Op India


John Chau’s journal


John Chau’s blog

Wikipedia - Sentinelese

Wikipedia - John Allen Chau

Joshua Project - Sentinelese

The Sentinelese - Survival International



Brenda Wells

This might be the first Casefile case where I’m reeeeeaaally going to struggle to find empathy for the victim. 😬

Leah Budd

Oh nooooo 😲

Byron Ridenour

I’ve always been fascinated with the Sentinelese, so glad the best podcast out there did a story involving them

Evan Stone

Seems like a strange case to pick up and research, the controversy isn’t really delved into at the end, this kid was enabled through and through


well done treatment of such a deeply frustrating tragedy.

Rosie Overell

Great ep. never heard of the case. I think the young chap was naive but incredibly silly - I agree with the Indian government keeping the island as a reserve

John M

Not really something I’d expect Casefile to cover. Dude was a Darwin Award nominee that represented the worst in people who try and convert others. More like taking a class to train in how to be a narcissist. More mysteries, please!


It's always sad when someone is murdered but he should have left them alone. Their society is dying. I hate missionaries.

Telma M

Evangelizing missions, especially to less developed areas of the world, are at their root pushing colonialism, “the white saviour” complex, cultural genocide, and bigotry ideologies onto others. The idea that you and you alone can “save” a group of people who never asked for it is selfish and narcissistic. I have little sympathy for this person, truth be told, but the real bad guy here is the religion that forces itself down the throats of the vulnerable. Missionaries, mission trips, and evangelizing others to your religion has no place in a modern world.

Bob Trenwith

Isolation has kept out two modern diseases - covid and christianity.

Abby Moret

What an idiot.


Love this new type of case! My parents both went to Oral Roberts University and I was raised in a similar way. I wrote a whole research project on Jim Elliott. I have completely changed most things about me. And I’m glad for that. Thinking we have to change people is so dangerous and wrong.


John's actions, while stupid and sanctimonious to the point of obvious harm, really weren't malicious in his mind. Nonetheless, I have never felt less sympathy for a victim in any case I've heard of.

Jay Tuckwell

What a great episode, I’ve been fascinated by the sentinelese for years, and this was really well done!


Not sure why I’m paying for this when there’s hardly any episodes anymore


Not sure what you mean. This episode is from Sept 10. Then there were episodes on Sept 4, August 28, August 21.


There’s been some Patreon picks and 30 min shows here and there. Should be the hour shows every Saturday like it use to be!


It's obvious they want to be left alone, if only everyone would respect their rights. We don't need to force our ways onto other people, they have been happy for thousands of years and want to remain that way. They have their own rules, they have the right to handle things themselves, not us. The only person who did something wrong was him.


Great episode. I remember when this happened details were very hard to come by despite it being an international headline grabber because of the remote nature of the incident so a lot of this was new. I was with missionaries on my college campus when this broke and they were heartbroken and devastated and couldn't believe it and I couldn't drum up sympathy for this kid and what he (and they) thought was a righteous mission. Even now I can only feel sorry that his parents have to live with his loss. Great job all around, Casefile!

Napoleon in Rags

Missionary work is all about service. Not trying to “save” people…there is a place in this world for people that want to help and serve others

Telma M

@Napoleon in Rags: All you have to do is listen to the episode to realise that missionary work is about trying to colonise and impose your ideologies upon vulnerable peoples. If you want to serve your community, then foster children who need a loving and judgment-free home; volunteer at a nursing home to keep old people company; knit hats for charity; lobby your local government fund hospitals and schools adequately; offer to mow the lawns of your neighbours free of charge; raise money to house the homeless… There are so many genuinely kind and compassionate things you can do for others, that don’t involve going off to other countries to try and force your religion down people’s throats, especially those who didn’t ask for it.

Neil A.

Great ep guys. Very frustrating to listen to as a former Evangelical Christian, as I know how much he would of believed in what he was doing unfortunately.


But that's how it is? The Patreon Picks are additional. They still release full episodes every Saturday. Just look at the playlist, full episode on the 4th, 28th, 21th ... etc.

Kev Keir

John's Dad Patrick is spot on

Caroline O'Dea

Isn’t it fair to say that just about everywhere in the world, people have been attacked and killed by the occupants of ‘private’ property where the ‘intruder’ has an uninvited and unwelcome agenda ??? Not my fave case team, but … you guys do no wrong 🤓 looking forward to the next episode.