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On Sunday, December 12 2010, 52-year-old Marisela Escobedo stood in Chihuahua City’s main square, Plaza Hidalgo, surrounded by news camera crews and reporters. In view of the Government Palace, where the executive offices of the state governor were housed, Marisela faced a bombardment of questions.


Anonymous Host - narration

Holly Boyd - research, writing

Mike Migas - production, music

Andrew D.B. Joslyn - music

Milly Raso - creative direction




Marisela died fighting for her daughter. I caught myself thinking “why doesn’t she just back down after learning about the cartel connection?” But then I realized there’s no way I would, or could, back down if that were my daughter. A mother’s love has no limits, even in the face of certain death. Rest In Peace Marisela and Rubí 🤍

Bob Trenwith

It's a good thing the family headed across the border in 2015, instead of two years later under the Orange Tyranny,

Sarah X

Holy shiiiittttttt!!!!! So many turns I did not see coming! Makes you feel lucky about where you live.


I first read about Marisela and Rubi’s story in Johann Hari’s Chasing the Scream - which I highly recommend. Marisela is a warrior among women, thank you for covering her story casefile.

Eli Manning

Those cartels, not much different to what we have in Oz, the Bikies


I was shocked by the seeming apathy of passers by as Marisela Escobedo was publicly murdered. But learning about the retribution for speaking out or even bringing attention to oneself with the cartel makes it sadly understandable. Living under that kind of fear is unthinkable. Marisela had nerves of steel.