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Case 43: Keith Warren - Casefile: True Crime Podcast

Silver Spring was the home of 19-year-old Keith Warren. Keith was tall, handsome, bright, sociable and extremely likable. It was the summer of 1986. Keith had just graduated from Kennedy High School and was looking forward to starting college in North Carolina. He was spending the summer enjoying time with friends and working two jobs.


Lucy Jones aka LLL3_0

I think shitty police investigation is why some crimes do not get solved.


Thanks for another great episode!

Vinnie Romero

Great episode again... I remember seeing this on Unsolved Mysteries. My opinion (not facts unlike a certain administration), I think the Cops had something on Keith and made him work as an informant, he got killed\ and they covered it up under the rug.


Such a sad story. Really feel for his family...


I'd like to see the clip from unsolved mysteries. None of the episodes are available online - that I could find anyway.

Vinnie Romero

Amazon and a Brooklyn-based film production took the Robert Stack episodes of Unsolved Mysteries. Provide where applicable new updates and stagger placing the episodes for viewing via Amazon Prime. They posted season 1 last week in US though I don't know the overseas rights situation. That Keith Warren ep was either season 7 or 8