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The rest of Stephanie's meeting with her sister is here. Let's find out why Jocelyn wanted to do this trade in the first place.

Middle of the night posting as I am awake and will be busy when the normal update time is.




I know you have it as Youngmi there but will it be Young-mi? I can see her sister saying it all as one. Also, are you going to start adding Young-mi Hwang in future tags for this part where she goes by that name?


Pretty sure she changed her name right after the last time she saw her mother. If I would have to guess


Pretty close to it. Like a couple weeks since she saw her mom. Steph changed her name last night. The app is nice and updates all digital legal records pretty much instantaniously.


I don't think I will be adding a tag for Young-mi. At the moment, she still sees herself as Stephanie (or Wyatt). She's planning on changing the name back after the trip. Will is unlikely to tell her roomies about the name change unless she needs to. -- The plan can change, and there is now a batch update/edit function. So if needed, I can always go back and add tags as needed.