Open Trade - Pg 22 (Patreon)
Changes coming next page on July 5th. I needed to lay some ground work.
We are already making some adjustments to the "Live Chat" element of the comic.
Previously, I was going to make it exclusive to the Decider Tier.
I really like the interactions I'm seeing already, so I am going to open it up to All Patrons.
But only so many comments fit on a page, so priority will go to Decider Tier Patrons.
If you want to see your comment on the comic page, comment below in the format of “Username: Comment”
You don’t need to be ‘yourself’. You can use made up usernames or make up a character that is watching the stream.
At the end of each month they will be added to each page accordingly.
Please continue to reply to each other. Just keep things Civil.
Just as boilerplate to cover my butt: I do retain the right to omit comments that are offensive or do not fit narratively for one reason or another.
Overall, I like what I’m seeing from you all so far. Keep it up!